Friday, July 20, 2007

My Boy

My Boy: (multi photo challenge, which I found.... um.... challenging!) Little Dreamer Designs - A Boy Kit.

Fairy Raine

Fairy Raine: Little Dreamer Designs - Color My World kit, 2 Peas Rhonna Farrer Gypsy Flourish. Font: Witches.

Real Faeries ~ Dare to Dream

Yep, my favourite photo again. Sick of seeing it, aren't you??
Real Faeries ~ Dare to Dream: Little Dreamer Designs - Michelle Coleman Chasing Rainbows, Gypsy Rose & stitching brush. Font: Hannibal Lecter.

Laughing Nani

The first time I saw my gorgeous Nan laugh since the death of my beloved Grandad. Nice photo to have, methinks. :)
Laughing Nani: Little Dreamer Designs ~ Michelle Coleman: Chasing Rainbows & Gypsy Rose